Let me tell you about my four favorite scenes in that movie.
1. Deranged Easter Bunny Pajamas. Have you ever received dreadful clothes as a Gift? Christmas, Birthday, whatever… Despite being appreciative, you have to admit getting clothes as a kid sucks.
Now, imagine getting a bright pink (before pink was ‘cool’) one-piece pajama.
I feel for you kid.
We’ve taken a deranged bunny (ears and all) and stenciled it on a wooden coaster which you can use on cold or warm beverages.
Now you too can enjoy a nice cup of coffee, tea or egg nog while displaying your deranged easter bunny love.
2. Its a Major Award. Another one of my favorite scenes is when the dad receives his award… The Leg Lamp! While Ralph and the rest of the neighborhood couldn’t stop staring at this lamp, mom had another idea.
Well don’t hold it against me if your spouse or significant other smashes this coasters as they are doing the dishes or vacuuming around the coffee table.
We’ve added a Leg Lamp image to the coasters, added the word Fragile “stamped” over the leg silhouette.
3. Remember the first time you got caught cursing? Yikes! I actually DON’T remember… Maybe because I rarely curse. My extensive vocabulary enables me to merely express my thoughts through verbiage in manners consistent with appropriate non-vulgar language there into and thus more yada yada bull crap.
Okay, I do curse, but I’ve never had to wash my mouth out with soap. Ralph did. Thats the inspiration of the Oh Fudge! (except, he didn’t say Fudge… and he totally didn’t pick that up from his father)
4. The climatic instant where the little dude got the gift he’d wanted all along, his Red Ryder Shooter! Every time I see this scene I get happy thinking about what he must’ve felt at that very moment. Fast forward about 4 minutes and he nearly shoots his eye out, just as he’d been warned by everyone in the movie.
No spoiler alert needed. The movie is like 30 years old. If you haven’t seen it by now, shame on YOU. =)
What’s YOUR favorite scene? Comment below, pick yourself up a set of coasters, and enjoy a cold (or warm) beverage this holiday season.